Sunday, March 27, 2011

Griffith Observatory

I arrived inside about 10:30 and made it just in time for "Water is Life" a half hour show in the Samuel Oschin Planetarium. The narrator was pretty impressive, smooth delivery the entire time without being able to see a script. I got a picture of the equipment prior to the show and a part of the sky at one point.

The camera obscura was projecting an amazingly clear picture despite the cloudy conditions. I also watched the demonstration of the Tesla Coil, a shocking experience! I got some video of that I hope to get up soon.

One part of the history was a long time line in million year increments of the Universe. It was marked by a long trail of all sorts of stars and moons. There were everything from small earrings to law enforcement badges marking the trail.

The long spiral ramp led to a room full of exhibits that explored everything from sub-atomic particles to the giant planets.

I was even able to get a bit of help understanding a part of the exhibits by a very intelligent gentleman who was firmly established on one of the benches.

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